96Marguerite Member


  • Looking for fit girls to be MyFitnessPal friends with!. Trying to stay motivated and help support other in their fitness journey!.. will be active daily and log my daily meals!
  • hello!!. My name is Stephanie! I use to use this app everyday without fail, but had a really weird year and ended up forgetting about this app and getting OUT of shape. Looking for any support and motivation, and also looking for supportive friends to add on here(ladies only please!, sorry but allot of guys on here have…
  • Anyone and everyone feel free to add me!. I'm Needing friends For motivation!. 21 year old here, been working out on and off since I was a teen, and been struggling allot in the past year to stay consistent with workouts and meals.. I'm trying to get back into working out at least twice a week!, but savearly lack the…
  • Hello! My name is Stephanie!. I'm currently trying to reach my healthiest self!!. With watching my intake, trying to workout every-other day and making little heathy choices throughout the day!(stairs, walking or biking instead of public transport, etc) I'm always looking for more friends with similar goals to achieve a…
  • I'm set to 1500 but often eat under that..everyone! feel free to add me:) I'm also super into fitness and trying to lose/maintain a low healthy weight!
  • Living in Chicago☺️
  • This app has been very motivational for me, I hope it works well for you too!, ☺️Feel free to add me on here.