Basic level of fitness will take you far. If you can do a 5k you can do a spartan sprint. Spend some time watching obstacle specific video tutorials. Do a couple of drop ins at a ninja OCR gym to get a feel for the obstacles and learn how to climb a rope. Other Spartans will help you with walls if needed. Nobody looks…
Snow has driven me back to the gym. StrongLifts 5x5 and Turkish get ups.
I've had two separate DVT-PE episodes (genetics). Had no problem recovering from them under my doctor's supervision. Suggest that you visit with an internist if you have any reservations about the advice from your general practitioner.
I'm running/walking hills, carrying heavy items, working on upper body and burpees. Seems there's a huge difference between busting out 30 penalty burpees for speed and efficiency vs. 30 burpees for developing fitness. I haven't cracked the code yet, but I'm trying.
Start googling obstacle course wall technique and training. There's a whole slug of ideas for strength training and techniques. Have fun!
1. I like the location. 2. Treadmill. I don't like running outside in the winter. 3. I like using sandbells for grip strength. 4. Maintenance and working upper body for a Spartan sprint.
Another recommendation for you are your own gym. Your public library should have a copy.
51 bpm at 49 y.o.
Well said.
Goblet squats, Bulgarian split squats with the TRX straps and Bulgarian goat bag swings. Good times.