

  • Gotcha. Good info!
    in Stuck Comment by emlichter February 2015
  • Thanks for all the info, everyone, I'm not really up on the technicalities of dieting and calorie calculating. I'm just trying to eat/live healthier. :smile:
    in Stuck Comment by emlichter February 2015
  • Yes, I know MFP does your basic maintenance rate for your BMR. The problem is that their numbers (and all my friends' numbers) have always been SO low that I'm starving and don't last long. I think they take it a little too low. When I calculate my TDEE it gives me a little higher of a number - not much, but a little. It's…
    in Stuck Comment by emlichter February 2015
  • Haha, well it's a start! :smile:
    in Stuck Comment by emlichter February 2015
  • Same calories every week since I started - 1550. I agree with you, JossFit, MFP starves you. I've never tried dthe TDEE. - It's just so weird b/c this approach worked last time and it's not now. BUT - I did add the exercise and got serious about it, so perhaps I just need to wait this out.
    in Stuck Comment by emlichter February 2015
  • Also, my tummy's toning up and my face has slimmed down, so I know I'm making progress....
    in Stuck Comment by emlichter February 2015