apennock Member


  • Did not go fit a run do to an unexpected visit to the vet. That's life. Was very frazzled due to this, so my quiet time was sacrificed. Did drink water and stay in my calorie goal though, so that's all good. Today: - Workout! - Stay under calorie limit - Get to bed before 11pm
  • Glad to see other people struggling with stressful work stuff - well, not glad, but I guess I'm glad I'm not the only one! >:) This morning has been working my last nerve and all I want is to raid the vending machines and eat all the junk food in the land! Took a walk at lunch and that helped a bit. Trying to transfer my…
  • Didn't go for a run (usually don't on Mondays, not sure what I was thinking) and the water fountain was broken at work, and the lack of convenience cut down my water consumption. (sounds lazier when written down!) Did do some snacking after dinner, but stayed in my calorie goals. Yay! Just for today - Go for a run! - Drink…
  • Walk! A nice long brisk walk followed by a long shower usually helps me feel a little better on the worst days.
  • Didn't check in over the weekend as I usually do this in downtime at work. Weekend was good, but not great. Didn't log, but put all the food in this morning. A bit over in calories, but not crazy. Expected to see a bit of a bump on the scale with high sodium foods this weekend combined with the time of the month…
  • Well, I didn't get to the gym as planned last night, but I think my body needed a full rest day - didn't even go out for a lunch walk as my joints and muscles were feeling a bit sore. Felt a little guilty about it, but I stayed under my calorie limit and had a nice relaxing evening so I suppose it was all for the best.…
  • Sometimes when I get invited to lunch with co-workers I'll just say that I brought my lunch from home, but offer to walk over and spend the time with them and eat my lunch at my desk later. If anyone pushes, I usually give a financial excuse ("pinching pennies for a trip this fall!") and people seem a bit more willing to…
  • Pretty successful day yesterday. I acquired a nice pair of blisters on my feet from a long walk in my birkenstocks at lunch (warm enough for sandals?!). They are so comfy, but my feet need to build up a bit of toughness to deal with the very high arch. Ran anyway after work with some blister bandaids, but the ol' tootsies…
  • Had a subpar eating day yesterday. Had McDonald's for breakfast, pizza, candy...sigh. Went for a run and had a light dinner so the calorie ramifications weren't horrible when I finally logged everything this morning, but I felt a lot of guilt about the crazy path I go down when I start eating simple carbs and junky stuff.…
  • Monday is here, sun is shining...the first whispers of spring are cheering me significantly. Logged and stayed in my calorie goals for the weekend for the most part, but ate a lot of salty, junky food and I can feel it. I can also see it on the scale - water weight! >:) - Drink ~128 oz of water (five water bottle refills…
  • Me: 3* LNS: 2 Had a pretty junky dinner, so I wasn't tempted. In my calorie range though!
  • I was going to eat clean during the day today so I could go out to a birthday dinner guilt free tonight... Started the day with the McDonald's drive thru and then ate a gas station donut that someone brought into work. WHOOPS
  • Only did 1.5 miles on the treadmill. I am a little bummed, but I felt as though my joints were feeling sore and tired, and I really don't want to get injured and be stuck on the couch. I have a habit of starting out strong and burning out. My body is not as young as it used to be, and I'm carrying around a bit more weight…
  • 3/1 - rest (injury related) 3/2 - 3 miles 3/3 - rest 3/4 - 2 miles A couple miles on the treadmill last night, and three more scheduled today. Weather looks like running outside might be feasible next week (50 degrees?!) here in Wisconsin, but the temp this morning has yet to get above zero, so I'm still stuck inside for…
  • Ended up leaving a half hour early and coming in early this AM so I could get to the gym last night and still cook dinner at a decent hour. Just for today... Drink 72 oz water Log 3 miles on the treadmill (even if they are slower than I'd like) No junk food at work LOG EVERYTHING - lies of omission on my log are only lies…
  • Alright, I so need this, definitely been a downfall of mine lately. SO to start this off... Me: 1 LNS: 2* Not a great start, hoping March will give me a little more sunshine, warmth, and motivation. Let's do this! LNS to me is any snacking after dinner (usually 7-ish), excluding veggies.
  • In a little late, but I'm in for 80 miles this month. On the long road to a half marathon in August with a pit stop along the way at a 10k in the spring. This has been a personal goal of mine that I've never quite been able to dedicate myself to. I've had enough, and this year is my year. Finally healing up from a pulled…
  • Great thread idea! Love the baby step mentality! Just for today, I will: Go to the gym for a run after work, even though I'm stuck here 9 hours No snacking after dinner LOG EVERYTHING Happy Wednesday everyone!