ado148 Member


  • They are starting Weight Watchers at Work here in my office so I am seriously thinking about joining. I did the program before and was successful. I really like the meetings and I, like you, need the accountability. I am really struggling right now with staying on track.
  • Definitely add me! I need all the support I can get! I have started over so many times. I always think of how far I have to go and it seems like an impossible task to me. Working on convincing myself that it isn't!
  • I will be 46 in August and need to lose 152 pounds. I am short (5'2") so this is way too much weight for me to be carrying around! I could really use the support!
  • I am really struggling to get started and really need the motivation. I would love to join!
  • I'm in on the challenge. I need all the help and support I can get. My ultimate goal is 150 pounds but 100 in one year would be amazing! Best of luck to everyone!
  • Feel free to add me. I am just getting back to MyFitnessPal. Rejoined the gym so going to get started back with that this weekend. I have always struggled with my weight but was doing really well until I lost my best friend/love of my life to suicide last year and have just been eating out of control! He would want me to…