hazellazer Member


  • Lastly, Stef, keep in mind that these standards of the studies may not really reflect the life of everyday people. It's like when you test of efficiacy vs effectiveness, what you see in a controlled study doesn't necessarily mean it's the reality beyond the bounds of that study.
  • There is an NIH study which showed that while both copper IUD and hormonal IUD participants gained weight, LNG IUDs led to a higher percentage of fat gain, whereas the copper users had a lean mass gain. Granted it was only done on 76 people, but it does point to an effect on body composition.…
  • I will say that I gained quite a bit of weight in early 2016 because I was struggling with endometriosis symptoms. I stopped exercising and ate very poorly. I had a laparoscopy and had the mirena inserted. After recovery, I resumed exercising and controlling my calorie deficiency. I gained even more weight. So while I can…