NEVER forget chocolate. :)
Luckily, my gym opens at 4am. I get there at 4:30. I don't have a set time when I MUST be at the office, so if my workout goes a bit long, that is ok. At the office I make it a practice to use my standing desk regularly and to walk around every 30 or 40 minutes, even if it means doing laps in the hallway while reading a…
For foods I eat frequently, I've created my own entry and simply include the net carbs instead of total carbs in that section.
I live to ski, @rsclause ! Think Snow!!
I white-knuckled through Halloween (the remains of which are still resident in our office kitchen). Re Thanksgiving, I plan to enjoy roasted turkey skin for the first time in YEARS. I'll be skipping the mashed potatoes. I was never a fan anyway. I plan to make my own stuffing from a recipe on the Charlie Foundation site. I…
This is a very helpful discussion. I am a keto noobie (4 weeks). I am down 9 pounds, but it is difficult to know whether this is attributable to keto or the fact that I am eating fewer calories given the satiety gained from the fat intake. At the same time, I've increased both the intensity and frequency of my workouts to…