kimkilbride Member


  • Add me too! I only do a bit of cardio but I do enjoy the accountability. My band just broke so my log in hasnt been the best but I think this is great motivation to get back at it!
  • Well I am by far no expert but from my experience I try to stick with a lot of protein and veg and limit my fruit and I try to eat them earlier in the day in order to burn the sugar instead of storing it. Are you taking any supplements before or after your workout?
  • Name: Kim Age:27 Height:5'2 Start Weight: 139 Goal Weight: 134
  • I agree with EWJlang, it depends on your definition of cheat day. I personally struggle to get back on the healthy eating train once I have a cheat day/meal so I prefer to limit them. Some people find that it really motivates them to eat healthy and exercise knowing that they have that "reward" coming. I would say limit…
  • I personally like the scaled option. I think it gives people like myself a chance to get into the excitement of a competitive setting when normally couldn't. It is also nice to see how many rounds someone can do or how much someone can lift that is around the same skill level as you. I have a hard time with t2b but can…
  • I am not a Crossfit fan, I am a addict! Great advice on Crossfit. It is all about fitness and I think weight loss and definition (in needed) is achievable. It is obviously mostly diet for the weight loss but building muscle does not hurt that at all! Know your limit is a good one. Most injuries happen when you are trying…
  • Hey! I am also a crossfitter. Been doing it for about a year now and I am addicted. I don't really track my macros etc but try to follow a paleo diet. Staying away from grains for sure!
  • I couldn't agree more! The time to start lifting was yesterday! Haha I am also in the process of losing weight and kind of did the opposite. I always have been into lifting (I do Crossfit and Oly lifts on my own) but have never been one for cardio. I was strong as hell but didn't notice any weight loss. I stated doing…
  • I have to agree with most people on here. I love my lifters for oly lifts but prefer a flat even surface for my deadlift. I have the Adidas powerlift 2.0 and the reebok lifters. Not a fan of the reebok as I find the heal too hard and when I'm getting under the bar and stomping my foot down in my jerks it does something…