petdoc1950 Member


  • Had a great Purim. Community l ight hearted reading of the Megillah then great Purim feast. Took care of my body today walking an hour and a half, and my mind reading Hiller and agadah.
  • Still on track. Walked an hour and a half today to make up for the hamentashen and Purim feast. Studying agadah and Hiller today.
  • Great day! Spent the morning studying avot... yehudah ha navi with the kavod Rabbi white and the group. Then worked on the body with a 13 mile bike ride.
  • O.K. that worked. Maze tov! I'm new at this. Trying to follow Derek eretz with my exercise and controlled eating to get my body 30 lbs. lighter. Studying torah...trying to do the 7 year Talmud cycle. Also working on Yad Abraham Mishna with commentary Neri kin Avot. Curious what others are doing. Oh.. Also work full time.…
  • I'm a new member of the group. My physical goal will be to lose 10 lbs. - 1/3 of the way to my goal. Spiritually it's to continue daily Talmud study on the Art Scroll 7 year plan and to finish Avot in their Mishna with commentary. - Shalom all