Cynthiarocking12 Member


  • Looking for support as well. I am back again and yet I've gained more weight! I am on the same boat. Please feel free to add me! Also, I've created a group as well, please feel free to join. I want to make sure 2018 is the year! Group name: "Late 20s & early 30s (Women only): Buddy up - No regrets" Let me know if…
  • Hello again! I've just created this specific group in hopes that some can join and support each other through our journey. It's about sharing our stories (if we like to of course), and truly encouraging each other to do the best we can do. My goal is to eat healthy, work out and lose 60 pounds. The group name is as…
  • Hello! I'm 31 years old and would definitely welcome the support and an accountability partner. I plan to lose 60 pounds. Feel free to add me :)