jfkk41 Member


  • if it's not already there I use something similar. I've searched the info online too and you can add exercises to the app.
  • I'm glad we started this post. Talking about our goals and knowing there are so many of us trying to get to that same place it will help keep us motivated to achieve the goals we set.
  • Take it slow and work your way back to where you were. Don't get frustrated because it's just going to lead you in the wrong direction.
    in SET BACKS Comment by jfkk41 March 2015
  • My goal is to hit 140lbs max. Then I will reevaluate from there. I'm going to add in rewards too. But, I will do the rewards in incriments by giving myself smaller goals until I achieve my bigger one.
  • I'm te complete opposite. I'd rather workout alone. I don't like the distractions. When I'm on the treadmill I read and listen to music on my headphones. It makes the time fly by and it doesn't feel like it's a chore.
  • I have a hernia too but mine doesn't both me one bit, so I'm lucky there. I have a thyroid and blood pressure issue that do effect my weight but I'm done making the excuses. I have two sisters both of which are and have always been thin (they take after my father). I take after my mother ans have always struggled. One of…