

  • Mary from Michigan-HI i had a great February! I finally decided to fork out the money for a personal trainer and it was a good investment as I am learning the proper way to exercise without hurting my back and neck which I have problems with. I haven't lost a lot of weight but am getting a lot stronger and am exercising a…
  • I started 3 weeks ago with a personal trainer and MFP. I want to lose at least 50 pounds to begin...count me in!
  • Hi I'm Mary and am trying to get back in shape after having a couple a back surgeries and a neck surgery several yrs ago that made me afraid to exercise. I have been at this for 3 weeks now. I use the treadmill everyday and have a personal trainer 2 times a week. My goal is to lose over 50 pds so I'm here for the long haul…