Frulla_ Member


  • Women know how to build muscle too bud, but I suggest getting a gym membership if at all possible, you'll be done with those dumbbells very quickly as your strength builds. But if not at all possible look into isolation exercises to really target your areas in mind
  • Is this a brand new goal or have you already been working towards it? You can do it either way :)
  • High carb low fat for me, but as I am a gym rat the carbs are necessary for me to recover. Should also mention that it's a vegan HCLF diet, so all carbs are as clean as can be with the highest nutrient contents as well. I eat about 4,100-4,400 calories a day (~900g carbs, 150-200g of protien, and 20-35g fat) and only do…
  • Fort Lauderdale area, very nice place with lots of sidewalks to run. It's been a long time since I lived there but the memories are all fond. Godspeed
  • Diced jalapeños, green peppers, and red onions sauteed and served on a lean grass fed 8 oz porterhouse that I marinated in an almond amino and tarragon sauce (among other things) for 24 hours. Pan seered on extra virgin and browned with coconut butter, I'd post the picture but alas, I don't know how :'(