

  • Very low carb (30-50g/day) and moderate calorie restriction (20% down from maintenance) is working beautifully for me. And I have gotten very good at faking high carb recipes using cauliflower or turnips. Turnip gratin, a nice steak, sauteed spinach, and hollandaise sauce is a typical "diet dinner." I'm down 15lbs since…
  • I was at a party and a friend mentioned that 10 yrs (and 40lbs) ago, I had six pack abs and looked "hot." The other partygoers looked at me with polite skepticism and that was it for me. 15lbs down now, 25 to go.
  • I have been lifting as heavy as possible for years now and bulky muscles are nowhere in sight. Women don't and can't bulk up without tons of steroids, period. And it feels SO GOOD to leg press 400lbs! 5-8lb weights do nothing unless you're 90 years old, and there's no such thing as "toning." You're either building dense…
  • hard boiled eggs, nuts, cheese. For treats, there's always bacon! Delicious bacon.