jillybeth85 Member


  • How do I add friends?
  • I am 33 years old. I weigh more now than I did at 9mos preg with my son. Ideally would like to lose 50-60lbs. Im a mom of an almost 12 year old boy and 14 year old stepdaughter. I work full time and was diagnosed in september 2016 with type 2 diabetes. Doc says because I'm young if I could take the weight off and change my…
  • Add me as well. Can use all the support I can get!
  • I have been using this for over a year and I feel it helps me keep track of how much exercise I'm actually getting (or not getting enough of) and what I'm putting in my mouth. I desperately want to lose weight and get in shape but I need motivation! My son will be 9 in september I can't blame it on baby weight anymore!