Machka9 Member

THE CYCLISTS' PRAYER By Fr. Picx the Cycling Priest As we bike through the city streets, the highways and mountain trails Protect us Lord from -- spills and crashes -- trucks and cars whose drivers do not recognize our right to use the roads -- dogs who like to bite our shapely legs -- potholes, cracks and sharp objects that flatten our tires -- thieves and bikenappers who lust after our bikes -- the rains and thunders -- and all kind of nasty accidents. Give us the energy and strength -- to wake up in the morning and go for a bike ride -- to keep us from bonking -- to ride up the hills and mountains -- to reach our destination. Grant us the courage -- to descend rapidly down the hills -- to ride through the rain -- to join and finish races even if we know we will never win. Continued below ...


  • The reports feature in MFP will give you similar trend info. I've discovered that Saturday mornings are my low weight times each week. I'll bob all over the place all week but I go by what I weigh on Saturdays.
  • Yes, 2 or 3 lbs is normal. I did a bit more exercise yesterday and jumped up 1 kg (2.2 lbs) overnight. In 2 or 3 days, however, I will pee it all out.
  • Your body will retain water if you eat salty food ... or if you don't get enough salt. It will retain water if you sit too long in a day or if you exercise more than usual. Surgeries, air travel, car travel, heat, sunburn will all cause water retention. It's normal.
  • No. 1. Hardly anyone used the newsfeed. 2. The software is outdated, not supported, and too expensive to fix. 3. Premium members do not have the newsfeed either.
    in Newsfeed Comment by Machka9 June 12
  • Fortunately, I have a flexible start time. No one is too fussed as long as we're there by about 9:30 am. I'm usually in between about 8:40 and 9 am. Not that I've been to McDonald's in probably a decade, so they may be different, but it seems to me that most reasonably quick food places we go to don't have self-serve…
  • I am sorry about your mother's situation. But I am glad you are doing well with your Cochlear implant! Machka in Oz
  • The reports work fine for me!
    in Newsfeed Comment by Machka9 June 12
  • The newsfeed was no longer supported and too expensive to fix. A simple cost accounting exercise. Everything else is still there and more may be added.
  • The newsfeed was no longer supported and too expensive to fix. A simple cost accounting exercise. Everything else is still there and more may be added.
  • Apparently, the friend list is also still there via the website:
  • It was no longer supported and too expensive to fix. A simple cost accounting exercise.
  • I thought the whole idea was the logging - diet, exercise, reports. They are still there.
  • If they said by the end of June, and if it is gone for you now, they didn't lie.
  • Yes to both paragraphs. Emotions take a lot of energy. I find I have very limited energy so I have to choose what I spend my energy on. Many of you are in the enviable position of being able to sleep whenever you want throughout the 24 hours of the day! So if a cat or dog wakes you in the middle of night ... go back to…
  • Back to work today to give my poor little arms a rest. But I was also back to stair climbing. I think all the stair climbing helped me on the weekend with the painting because I was up and down and up and down the step ladder all weekend, with no ill effects. Rainy, windy day today - it's winter. But it's nice to have the…
  • Yes ... I had my appendix removed when I was about 20. I didn't have traditional appendicitis, instead I had retrocecal appendicitis which means the appendix was tucked up behind the large intestine. Back then, they didn't have all the imaging tools they do now. They tried a Laparoscopy but couldn't see anything. They…
  • That's exactly right ... most celebrities I see on TV live in another country. I've never met them and most likely won't. My whole contact with them is in a show I watch now and then where they are acting a part. Even if the show is billed as "reality", like Lego Masters or a house restoration show or a morning chat show…
  • Michele ... 2 coats. Lisa ... I get what you said about empathy. I am very low on the empathy scale. But I sympathise with you all when you go through stuff. I'm taking a day off painting today and going to work instead. My arms will appreciate it. M in Oz
  • They might bring back the ticker and other fun things!
    in Ticker Comment by Machka9 June 10
  • Day 4 of painting! That's what you do on a 4-day weekend. :neutral: We're not as far along as I had originally anticipated, but I didn't know how long it would take. Nevertheless, we have made quite a bit of progress and we're happy with it. :) Still loving the colour!! 1 more day should do it, but I'm not sure if it will…
  • I have never followed celebrities of any sort including TV/Youtube "medical" celebrities. I couldn't tell you the real names of most actors, although I am starting to learn some because my husband likes to know the histories and connections of various celebrities so he'll tell me, and often tell me several times. But…
  • The newsfeed software was old and unsupported, and only a very small number of people used it. The good news is that the food diary, exercise log and reports are still there! :)
    in Newsfeed Comment by Machka9 June 10
  • In an effort to keep my footwear clean and dry, I have been doing all the hours of washing walls and painting barefoot. I also figured it was good for my feet. It's important to exercise the muscles in the feet too. The muscles in my feet are a bit sore, much like the rest of me is, but the arthritis isn't bad. It's there…
  • ABC Classic FM has been broadcasting the annual Top 100 as voted by their devoted listeners (like me) over the past 2 days. We all get to vote for 10 pieces of music, and most of mine made the Top 100 ... 3 of mine were in the Top 10 ... and 1 of mine won! I was one of thousands of people voting for it. So with that as our…
  • Could you just hose the sheets down outside and hang them to dry? With the heat and dryness in your area, they'd be dry in no time. And what about pee-pads for either humans or pets? M in Oz
  • Pretty sure the threads haven't moved. They've been here for days.
  • If you go to thrift shops, you might be able to pick up several puzzles for him to do.
  • Thanks ... I really like that colour blue too. It's exactly what I want for the room ... just a pale, calming, beautiful blue ... nothing overwhelming. We'll see what a second coat looks like. Does your father read? Or colour? Or do jigsaw puzzles? Or wood carving? or Sudoku? Machka in Oz