jomiguelo Member


  • Lmao at kardashian goals. You'll probably have a better physique if u workout/diet properly and be consistent :)
  • Good *kitten* comments/tips. Loving the mfp community. :) oh, one tip from me. Follow guys/girls on instagram who's into proper diet, workout, etc. It would serve as an inspiration and you'll learn stuff too. Checkout the hashtags IIFYM, powerlifting, etc. You can follow paulnotsmall, leangainsmeals, micheal kory for food…
  • Yep. Bret is the man.
  • For your butt, you can include hip thrusters in your workout. Google 'Bret Contreras hip thrusters'. He's the 'glute master' hehe. If the bar itself is too heavy for you and there's no lighter bar, try doing full range of motion squats first. 3-4 sets by 10-20 reps with 1 min rest each. Back extensions with the same…
  • You can definitely do it alone with proper form. As long as you research properly on how to do each lift (i.e. Deadlifts, squat, bench, etc). I would recommend reading the book Starting strength by Mark Rippetoe. He goes through each compound lifts meticulously. No need to read the whole book though and no need to follow…