_GoalDigger_ Member


  • Good on you @phnompenny :) we can do this :) well I hope I finish it this time :blush:
  • You are almost half way :) I did do up to day 10 last time and although I didn't lose weight I definently lost inches :) I do get bored with it, I just put the DVD on mute and play music, seems easier lol
  • L Exactly like me, got fit, and almost down to my goal weight and then over the holidays just gained it all back, and then some :'( I'm determined this time though :) good luck for day 1, seems to be the hardest for me :)
  • Me too @mombie2six , my legs are killing me :( lol
  • I've just completed day two, yes I also have a gym membership @tootiescott9 but I am trying to do 30day shred as soon as I get up :) you can add me if u like :)
  • Thanks @mombie2six , I will add you if you don't mind :) we can keep each other motivated hehe