fa110n Member


  • I have never struggled with this so I have a hard time understanding. I haven't read through all of the previous posts and advice from others. However, why don't you try logging what you eat on a daily basis to see where you're at with calories then increase your exercise to accomodate that. Once you see where all the…
  • I freeze Hershey kisses and then suck of them until they dissolve when I am craving chocolate (every night), that way I only one or two.
  • Well I am losing just not as quickly as I would have hoped. I started at 158 at mid February and am now 146. But you're right, maybe my portions are off. I'm 5'8" and just really want to weigh 135 by May 15th. Maybe that's just not a realistic goal right for so soon. Dang it procrastination. I am going to work on toning up…
  • I agree that is probably more realistic for me. But I figure this way I make up for the calories I may be off by not weighing my food. Does that make sense or am I just totally mistaken?
  • My deficit is set at 2 lbs a week. It suggests i eat 1200 calories a day. I am usually under that without my exercise calories added into it. I know that buying a scale would be beneficial but I just know myself and know I wouldn't use it. I might be slightly over my calories on the Fridays and Saturdays but not much if at…
  • Opened my diary now. I've been trying to eat at least 50 daily though sometimes I don't make it. I added 24 grams of protein to my post workout smoothie today. I'll give it a try.
  • Thanks guys. I have been doing some squats, lunges, planks, sit ups, and other miscellaneous at home exercises. I will try to add some weights when I'm at the gym
  • In addition to all this information. I also don't track well on the weekends and tend to use Fridays as my day to indulge.