Swiftkidd Member


  • Pretty dam impressive, your story gives much hope and glad you didn't give up on yourself.. I've got a bit of a splitting personality - all or nothing mentality and have felt for the past two years that embracing a healthy lifestyle to be unattainable so resorted to punishing myself to lower depths of ill health just hope…
  • Hey you shouldn't fear being judged by others as typically it reveals more about them as an individual and their personality / character traits then it does you. I find smart phone application like MapMyFitness to be an effective way to record the duration, distance, pace, route, and calories burned per session providing…
  • I find it more practical to drop processed foods altogether as often they're low in nutrition and high in calories so the portion sizes have to be pretty miniscule to fit within my macros requiring an unrealistic amount of self discipline.. when I want something sweet I just have a fruit salad or snack on trail mix