I am happy they are successful, I really am. That my 'just arriving' has no relevance on my ability to judge someone else's recommendations. Nor does just arriving mean my recommendations or questions have any less credibility than anyone else's.
Not sure why you are so offended when someone has a different idea than you. And not one person here (including me) is saying you should only eat ice cream and cake or fruits and vegetables. My recommendation is always speak with a nutritionist and understand both your metabolic rate and water retention %. Then as always…
I understand that increase in caloric intake as well as anyone. I just don't understand the immediate recommendation of ice cream and like high calorie foods that carry with them potential issues with lactose or gluten intolerance. And considering you are quite obviously upset that someone recommends healthier alternatives…
Emily and Wheelhouse why is it so hard to explain why you should eat ice cream, pizza, etc for added calories? Why not focus on clean healthy alternatives? You can get plenty of calories for things other than dairy products. And besides that...clearly neither of you have the credentials to defend your assertions. Is it…
You need to focus on calorie burning exercises. Cardio cardio cardio. You need to know a few specific things to aid your weight loss. These are: 1. Your water retention % (water imbalance leads to weight gain) 2. Your metabolic rate (how many calories your body naturally burns daily) 3. Food allergies or medical conditons…
So wrong you can't correct it..but why not? If you have the knowledge, experience, or are yourself a nutritionist / doctor...why not correct him? I am going to go out on a limb and say those who say he is wrong simply can't correct him. Because they don't know any better themselves (i.e. the above quoted poster). I'd like…
If you can afford a quality weight gainer to supplement your diet. Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass is fantastic for hard gainers like you. Unlike the others here simply suggesting to each ice cream, pizza, etc...i would recommend natural foods. Not saying don't ever eat stuff you like, or just salads. Be careful of…
If you can find it Orange Creme is fantastic. Cytosport makes a 45gram Protein Power Shake in orange creme.
High carb & high protein diet is what you need to bulk up. The carbs are needed to both up your overall caloric intake and be used up for your bodies normal metabolic burn. The biggest problem is keeping up with the same intake everyday for months and years. You should also if you haven't already...set yourself a goal…