MelyssaMallonee3 Member


  • Loving all the encouragement and motivation here! I've been listening to a lot of podcasts and doing a lot of reading on healthy eating, and damaged metabolism (really just slow...due to extreme dieting or unhealthy habits). It's fascinating to me that over the years I've really struggled to get rid of fat, even the midst…
  • Thanks for all the feedback guys! I appreciate every word. And yes, @2run2ski I think we are soul sisters!
  • @2run2ski, I do exactly the same thing with water. I Have a 20oz water bottle and I kind of pace myself through the day, one before I leave the house, one by lunch, one before I leave work, one by dinner. I shoot for this, and sometimes if I haven't got the water down, I just chug it and try to keep it going :) We all have…
  • I needed a mini-goal today. My spring allergies are driving me crazy with itchy throat and eyes and all I want to do is binge on food. I know it won't make it better. My goal today is to just eat 3 solid healthy meals and healthy snacks if I need them. Thanks for the challenge! What's your mini-goal archanajoyce?
  • Wow, I'd like to join you all. I started my journey, gosh, 8 years ago at 247 pounds. I didn't use myfitnesspal then, but I managed to track food and lose about 90 pounds the healthy way (diet/exercise)...over the years my weight has fluctuated up and down a bit, and now I'm sitting at about 195. I'm trying to get my…
  • I so can relate. I've trained for many marathons, and currently training for another. It's so strange because the day I do my long run, I have a hard time getting my normal calories in and have to make myself eat. The next day, though, ANOTHER STORY. I am HUNGRY all day long and I tend to overeat (even if I don't feel…