vgomes1 Member


  • Ahh,thanks fevrale! I input my workout calories burned and usually put in less calories than it says I've burned just to be safe and I'm still not eating all of my calories and I am a girl who eats!!!! And I've looked a calorie calculator before but wasn't sure how accurate they are, so thanks for those who suggested it.
  • Open my diary? I do several times a day and check my macros. Deemarie1 hit t in the head, as far as I'm concerned. I eat lean meats, vegetables, fruits, oatmeal and eggs (and egg beaters) and sweet potatoes almost daily. My workouts are average an hour, sometimes a little longer, just depends what I am doing. I spend a lot…
  • I log everything and measure a lot of my food. I have read may post about not eating enough causing you to not lose weight, especially if you workout out very intensely. Not bragging at all, but my workouts are very intense and sometimes twice a day. Not a gym rat, but I just honestly enjoy it