9171971 Member


  • That's awesome. Way to go. I would love your help.
  • Yes I love the spray. I'm not much of a pill taker. I started off using it at night right before I go to bed. A few spray pumps on the chest. Now I use it in the morning as I get out of the shower and at night. Give it a try. I order it from amazon. It's called EASE by Activation products. It also helps with sore muscles…
  • I use magnesium spray and swear by it. Makes me sleep like a baby.
  • I never really liked eggs for breakfast, but lately I either have a 4 egg white omelet with an English muffin and avocado. Or my fav is egg white omelet with a little peanut butter on top with a side of blackberries. I know sounds gross, but try it it's good.