you can lose weight lots of ways, in my opinion and experience, building lean mass muscle in addition to creating a calorie deficit everyday makes the process so much easier. your body has to burn calories just to support your muscle mass, so the more muscle you build through resistance training, the faster your metabolism…
I have never heard that about loose skin before, and i don't really think its true, however, if you want to lose water weight, be really careful with your sodium intake and drink lots of water. Green tea also helps. If I feel bloated or like i have gained water weight for whatever reason, I try to drink a gallon of water…
egg white puffs! full of protein, VERY cheap and easy to make, and no carb. you can do them in different flavors too.
im in the process of losing 115 pounds. (lost 14 so far)
i need to lose 100 more pounds. (lost 14 so far)