You absolutely can maintain and even build muscle while not eating so much or any animal protein. You can try curbing your hunger by increasing your dark leafy greens. Blend up some green smoothies and remember your good fats. That should help.
Have you tried the Explore Asian line? High protein low carb simple ingredients organic pasta and delicious. Also try using different spices, it makes a huge difference
I know exactly what you mean, I was right there too! My nightly after dinner snack is a scoop of chocolate protein powder + 1T of raw cacao + 2T of liquid (I use rice milk) + 1T Udo's OR coconut oil. Mix into a paste and enjoy.
Talenti is the, I only buy it on sale. A moment of silence please for the caramel cookie crunch!
I either have steel cut oats with 1/4 cup of fruit on top and a side of eggs OR a creamy nutrient dense shake.
Take it one day at a decision at a time.