jtip250 Member


  • Glad your here CABarb!! :) not sure of any right or wrong way lol I stumbled upon this group a few months back myself. I started a FB page called Healthier Choices Page. It is easier for me to keep up with and group support as well since I do fulltime outreach ministry. feel free to friend me on here and on my FB page as…
    in New here! Comment by jtip250 April 2016
  • the best way to work through the temptation for emotional eating is exercise even walking in fresh air. you dont have to walk a marathon or work yourself to death but emotions lead to stress and the best way to get through it is defeat it with a good workout. then eat a healthy snack afterwards. I have been sick the past…
  • I use daily burn "true Beginner" but you can use also YouTube look up Jillian Michaels 30 day shred
  • almost forgot !! make a commitment to take a picture every sunday in the same outfit standing the same way then you will see a difference too
  • H everyone!!glad to see this group is growing with support for each other! Its a harder walk doing it alone but much easier when you have someone to share triumphs with and to motivate you when you don't feel you can do one more exercise or that favorite junk food is haunting you in your sleep! my current weight is 207 im…
  • lol I'm in Missouri and in Arkansas both with ministry ! I'm thinking shorts and stronger arms tired of the bat wings lol my first priority each morning is bible study then exercise then high protein breakfast!! I'm done with the first two working on the breakfast meal right now yum! Have a awesome day!! keep your eyes…
  • Hi Brittany I have thyroid problems also I take .75mcg of Levothyroxine every day and have for the past 30years. I know a slow thyroid is also a hindrance when trying to lose weight. But there is a fence you can get over! the fence is simply staying with whatever you set out to do. I am still losing even though my thyroid…