akwest21 Member


  • If you're really worried about your fat intake I would just cook your vegetables in more fat. Add some extra olive oil to your salads etc. The little added bits are really the best way to boost your fat intake
  • I have celiac and also have to avoid most of the gluten free products. Quinoa and brown rice also give me problems so my main carb sources are potatoes, sweet potatoes and white rice. If you can tolerate milk it is a pretty good carb source as well. I personally would steer clear of oats because unless they explicitly say…
  • My general rule is to try to buy anything where you eat the skin or leaf organic and anything I peel I'm less picky about. So lettuces, broccoli, cauliflower and fruit I try to get organic...carrots, onions and sweet potatoes I'm more budget conscious about. Meats are where I try to buy the best possible quality and that's…
  • Go on Amazon and buy starting strength by mark rippetoe. It's the best basic barbell book. If you're not programmed you're not going to make progress and that program is specifically designed to put in strength and mass to people who are new to lifting. Follow the program and you'll see strength and mass gains. Oh and if…
  • Oh and checkout thefoodee.com for recipes too
    in Paleo Comment by akwest21 July 2015
  • For snacks I eat nuts usually. Any sliced vegetable and guacamole. Sometimes just an avocado with hot sauce, salt and pepper. If you like eggs hard boiled eggs are good. Sliced meat wrapped around a veg or avocado. If you're just starting I would also try to add more fat to meals so you don't need to snack.
    in Paleo Comment by akwest21 July 2015
  • If you cut out soda you've probably drastically reduced your caffeine intake which can also cause withdrawal symptoms. The combination of reduction in simple carbohydrates and caffeine is not too fun. Although I've seen people go through detox and if you handled that you'll handle this just fine.
  • Check out www.thefoodee.com it's a paleo/primal recipe database that's very searchable. Everything is grain free and sugar free so very good for controlling insulin and blood glucose
    in Hi folks Comment by akwest21 July 2015
  • When we camp I pack a ton of jerky, nuts or nut butters and coconut manna. Tanka bars are also great for camping. If you have a pop up camper and can keep things cold I would bring bacon...but then everyone will want to eat your bacon. If you're backpacking pork rinds take up too much precious pack space. Sometimes I make…
  • Keto for health reasons over here! Technically cyclic ketogenic with a weekly carb refeed meal and dessert.
  • You're fairly close to your goal so I would leave the protein where it is. Keep carbs low during the day and eat them after exercise and add hiit or sprint intervals and you should see results in a month or two
  • If you are trying to keep carbs low going over a target on protein can derail progress by a process called gluconeogenesis. This is where your body takes excess protein and turns it into sugar. You would have to go over by a good bit thought. Probably more than 1gram per lb of body mass. If you're not trying to count carbs…
  • If you're new to lifting weights you will get stronger and possibly build muscle, in exercise physiology we call this the novice effect. You're giving your muscles a stimulus and they have to adapt to it whether you're in a deficit or not. If you are eating adequate protein your body will use it to repair muscle tissue and…
  • I've had migraines my entire life. Since as early as I can remember. Had being the most important word in that sentence. I had been prescribed topamax but it didn't help. Imitrex for onset but it's hard to take that if you're nauseous. 6 years ago I quit eating gluten and haven't had a migraine that didn't relate directly…