

  • I honestly have only weighed myself twice in the last year. Weight is a really subjective stat, and in the long-run it isn't as important as health and composition. Feeling good about how you look/feel is so much more important than a number! It is a way to track your progress, but if it is an issue for you try backing off…
  • Macronutrients, Fat, Carbs, and Protein. The type of "diet" you are on is the ratio of these from one to another. If you are having problems feeling full, try eating more fat and protein and less carbs. They take longer to digest/enter the bloodstream and release more hormones that make you "feel full." Good on you for…
  • Yes, I did it for a while. It seems like a lot of fat at once, but if it fits your macros, you'll be okay. I only used Kerrygold grass-fed butter though, unsalted preferable. You need a wand or something. You will NOT be able to stir it without it just making a grease layer on top. If you use the wand, it will be frothy…