

  • It helps to see someone else with the same sensitivity to caffeine. I am sensitive enough that I use a small bottle of Lucozade if I need a laxative, as pharmaceutical laxatives give too violent a result! I also can't tolerate sweeteners (although for me that affects bladder more than bowel). My dietitian prescribed a low…
  • I think the crucial point here is not the absolute amount of fibre consumed, but the rapid increase in quantity above that which the OP usually consumed. Whist mainly posters have stated that they comfortably tolerate higher quantitied of fibre, the key point is that they REGULARLY do this. The bowel can be trained to…
  • I am in a similar situation to you regarding ability to prepare food and handle hot. I have had to abandon using a kettle, saucepan or anything that requires lifting more than a mug (so rice cookers and blenders are out for me!) What I have, and rely on, is a microwave-combi that also functions as an oven and grill. This…
  • And I am reading it a year after that B)
  • I am doing this for the first time too. So I can be supportive, but not really a lot of help. I have been browsing site trying to find people with more experience. .
  • Hi. This year I am trying to observe the orthodox rules on fasting. I would really appreciate a buddy to keep me right on this!