Lodich Member


  • Once a week is too long for me. I need to see progress quicker. I weigh every other day. However, I have to remember that fluctuations happen and not to get down on myself if I see the scale go up mid-week.
  • Thanksgiving day was okay for me, but Tuesday was very high calories! I'm struggling this week. We can do this! Every day is a chance to try again!
  • I'm 10 months post second c section. I'm happy to have friends working on their c section "shelfs" too. Anyone add me. :)
  • I'm interested in joining. I have 110 pounds to lose. I have lost 13 so far. It's daunting! I'm struggling with self doubt. I don't want to give up and accept this is the new me. :(
  • My little one is only two weeks, so I haven't started officially calorie counting yet. Just looking for encouragement and support for healthy eating while letting my milk supply settle. At delivery, I was 249 and I'm now 227. It's a good start. However, breastfeeding makes me starving all the time, so any advice on good,…
  • I'm glad to find this post. I'm in the same place as Jessie. My little one is not yet two weeks old. At delivery, I was 249. Today, I am 227. I'm going to start tracking again to get into the habit. I plan on starting with "maintain my weight" until I'm no longer paranoid about losing my milk supply. ;) I found…