CdnDi Member


  • I tried the daiya cheese as well and absolutely hated it...there are lactose free cheeses ..what am I missing? Isn't all dairy the same?
  • I used to love a cold Diet Coke despite the fact that Aspartame is akin to drinking wood alcohol. Since starting my journey, I just lost the taste for it (thank goodness). Have you tried the flavoured carbonated waters, KK? My guilt pleasure has been the rare bag of potato chips shared with my hubby...there really doesn't…
  • Pretty much Paleo here. The less processing of foods, the better it is for me. We are all a work in progress, Corinna..just do the best you can. I am aiming to put together 2 weeks worth of daily menu's together to keep me on track and make it easier to do the grocery shopping.
  • I miss coffee creamer, greek yogurt and cheese (especially cheddar & goat cheese). I also miss going out for a meal without it being such a pain. I miss PIZZA!!
  • I am going to try this one last time, Bonny. I've tried other recipes but they were all a thumbs down (basically frozen banana's and cacao powder)...keeping my fingers crossed that this is the recipe I've been searching for!
  • Hi Everyone! I started my Gluten & Dairy Free campaign last March. I have Multiple Sclerosis (luckily benign and asymptomatic at this time) and Hypothyroidism. What got me there was going to see the Registered Dietician at my doctor's office because this year I turn 60 and I wanted to know how to take care of this 60 year…