mrshiq Member


  • This post comes at the perfect time!! LOL! I just did the Tae-Bo Fat Blasting Cardio Dvd the other day!! I couldn't find my bands (need to look for them today), but I still got a heck of a workout!!! I just love Billy Blanks! He really is quite motivating! I still have the VCR tapes too! LOL! I used those in college,…
  • Morning! @purpleorange9, I too feel pain in the winter arena!! I live in Maine. We just started thawing out a little bit this week and we are forecasted for a potential 6+ inches this weekend! :\ I just did a video this morning, as a matter of fact, that was killer!!! It was Bob Harper's Ultimate Cardio Body. It is one…
  • I did very low carb, high protein last year and lost 50lbs in 14 weeks!! (a bit too quick, perhaps) It was very successful for me. Unfortunately, I love baking!!! ;-) SO, over the past year, I gained half of my weight back. This week, I began really focusing on cutting out breads and pasta and I have lost 5lbs already on…