

  • I don't use the fitness pal calorie counter for zumba, I go by a calorie counter wristband. I think I should try (healthy) snacking more throughout the day so the calories add up to maybe a little over 1200 and then do zumba.
  • Today I went and logged in my supper ahead of time just to count the calories, and after I eat that I'll have about 360 left ..not that bad, right? well, then I'll go to zumba and burn 600, leaving me at over 900 to eat. -_- I'm not necessarily trying to lose pounds, just get active and stay fit. I have an office job and…
  • Thanks.. the doctors pretty much all agree its a side effect of no gallbladder. I have acid reflux, fatty and greasy foods make me sick, (well technically, any food can make me sick) and I'm lactose intolerant. I have diarrhea all the time. One idea is eating/drinking smoothies and those protein shakes, breakfast shakes,…