Courtwag25 Member


  • My daughter has chronic EBV and NON Hodgkin's lymphoma I would love to know what you did to cure it???
  • And by sugar I mean added sugar/processed sugar/bad for u sugar in general. I know ultimately it's all calories in vs calories out but I do personally believe a more natural whole foods diet works best for my overall body type instead of eating whatever I want as long as it fits my calories
  • And sugar and dairy are bad FOR ME they make my skin terrible and I gain weight when I eat them and lose weight when I don't but I love them both lol
  • Thankssssssssss
  • Yes I knew the answer would be "whatever works for you that you stick to" but hypothetically I was curious to see what the majority of people's opinions were on what is "healthy" and good for long term weight loss! I have my own opinions about dairy and sugar being bad so I don't typically agree with the FDA guidelines ,…