I wasn't asking for an opinion. I don't need that. You can keep scrolling to other discussion groups this was specifically for people INTERESTED not posting your opinions. Sry I can care less how or what you feel about a detox.
I disagree because I have done it before and it really made want to eat healthy. It's not everybody's thing. But if you are interested let's do this!! I'm ready for this detox after everything I have been putting in my tummy lately.
There's two different options. You can have a smoothie for each meal or do 2 smoothies and a healthy 3rd meal with chicken or fish and veggies. Look it up 10 day green smoothie cleanse it works and you can lose up to 15 lbs off it.
North Carolina
My body. I have done the smoothie cleanse before and it really makes you crave healthy food. A bite of something fried or unhealthy just hurts your stomach