piadot Member


  • I like the concept of the analogy in that it forces me to think about why up until now I haven't successfully got to my target weight and maintained it. But I think the reality is that yes if it was scientifically possible for one cream cake to cause instant terminal cancer I would definitely not eat it. But I couldn't…
  • You are right about the longevity of these plans. When I was attending a group there were so many people who had rejoined for the umpteenth time having lost and regained the same 40lb for about 10 years. I only knew of one lady who had stayed at target weight for 15 years and she did that by attending group for 2 hours…
  • I'm having the exact same debate with myself. I've done SW on and off for the last 3 years, I get bored eventually and go totally off plan - my own fault, not the plan because there is lots of variety. However I just got the Fitbit Aria scales for Christmas and want to do my own weigh ins rather than pay for group. Thing…