Name: jojogaudet Height: 5'5" Starting Weight (3/1): 200 Goal Weight (3/31): hoping for 2 pounds/week-but will take as much as possible! 3/2: 200 3/9: 200 3/16: 198 3/23: 195 3/30: Loss/gain for the week: 3 Loss/gain for the month so far: 5 Struggles or successes of your week: those sweets cravings! and not "munching" at…
Name: jojogaudet Height: 5'5" Starting Weight (3/1): 200 Goal Weight (3/31): hoping for 2 pounds/week-but will take as much as possible! 3/2: 200 3/9: 200 3/16: 198 3/23: 3/30: Loss/gain for the week: 2 Loss/gain for the month so far: N/A Struggles or successes of your week: Still Struggling to Getting those 8 glasses of…
jojogaudet March 1, 2015 3:47PM edited March 1 Name: jojogaudet Height: 5'5" Starting Weight (3/1): 200 Goal Weight (3/31): hoping for 2 pounds/week-but will take as much as possible! 3/2: 200 3/9: 200 3/16: 3/23: 3/30: Loss/gain for the week: None, but that is okay, just makes me more motivated for next week! Loss/gain…
Just change the dates as you need-I also weight in in Mondays so I just changed the days to 3/9 3/16 3/23 3/30.
Name: jojogaudet Height: 5'5" Starting Weight (3/1): 200 Goal Weight (3/31): hoping for 2 pounds/week-but will take as much as possible! 3/2: 3/9: 3/16: 3/23: 3/30: Loss/gain for the week: N/A but I lost 5 pounds last week so a good start for March challenge! Loss/gain for the month so far: N/A Struggles or successes of…
How do we edit posts to enter information? Or do we just repost all the ino each week?
What a great motivator to keep me accountable as I find the first few weeks are always the hardest! Name: jojogaudet Height: 5'5" Starting Weight (3/1): Goal Weight (3/31): 3/2: 3/9: 3/16: 3/23: 3/30: Loss/gain for the week: Loss/gain for the month so far: Struggles or successes of your week: