

  • How many calories are you eating a day?? You may not be eating nearly enough if you are really burning that many calories at the gym
  • Well, how much do you currently weigh and do you know your maintenance level? Also how many calories is it saying you need to take in?
  • How many calories are you currently consuming and what is your maintenance? Also water and sodium play a huge factor. You could lose weight but eat a high sodium meal or two and retain water for a while.
  • how much do you currently weigh that would be a huge help
  • You're always going to have some sort of energy loss in a deficit. Calories are energy, so the less energy you put in your body the less energy you will have to spend. You should get use to it though after a couple weeks. It'll feel like nothing!!
  • You are always going to gain some amount of fat on a bulk or surplus diet. As long as he was lifting like you stated, he is going to gain muscle as well.
  • 1300 calories is insanely low. There is a thing called metabolic adaptation or metabolic crashing where your metabolism will adapt to the low amount of caloric intake and in a sense just lose its caloric burning effect in order to keep you from starvation. Theres tons of information on it if you wanted to look it up. Ive…
  • Well if you didn't have enough you obviously need to eat more...dietings not all about just not eating. To put it simply if you start on to low of calories for example 1800 and you plateau where are you gonna from there. It's best to start out pretty high and slowly drop calories 1-200 every couple of weeks