DarianJP Member


  • People will always have an opinion. I was eating baby carrots “plain” at work the other day and my coworker said, “Ew! How are you eating those plain. You’ve gotta have some dip or something with those girl.” lol And I told her carrots were the perfect snack because I could eat endless amounts of them by themselves because…
  • I was on a Quest and Oh yeah One bar kick for a while but I found Pure Protein bars. They’re so much cheaper than any other protein bar and they’re delicious. I especially like the chocolate salted caramel and chocolate peanut butter bars, if they had peanuts in them they’d taste like a Snickers almost. I’ve got some…
  • I second a lot of other people on here, meal prep is a life saver. For breakfast I’ll pre-make Greek yogurt with fruit and cinnamon and put my dry toppings in little containers so they’re ready to go. For lunch I’ll do tuna a lot of the time with hummus mixed in and eat that with some vegetables. And for dinner I’ll cook a…
  • I’ve been on the depo shot for about 5 years now. I love the no period part but I gained about 30 pounds the first year I was on it and I was super emotional. I’m well adjusted to it now and feel great emotionally and have lost all the weight plus some. There’s always pros and cons to everything I guess.
  • Feel free to add me as a friend, my diary’s open and I’ve reduced my sugar intake like crazy over the past 2 years. I use to eat probably 160g or so of sugar a day but now I’m down to about 30-40g a day, almost all of it is natural sugars from fruits and veg. It’s always helpful to kind of browse around and get some food…
  • I can relate, I feel like my appetite is always fired up. Lol But I eat about 5 or 6 times a day. 3 meals and 3 small snacks. Pure protein bars are amazing and they’re super cheap compared to a lot of other bars. 180-200 calories, 3-5g of sugar, and 18-20g protein. I always eat a ton of nuts or trail mix and have a piece…
  • Pork rinds are one of the ultimate low carb snacks. Besides the sodium I think they’re great! The calories are amazing for a whole bag and the fat and protein is ideal.
  • Sugar free werthers hard caramels are good for a sweet tooth! Or tottsie rolls!
  • Oh! I forgot to mention that oatmeal would be a good food to buy. You can get a huge container with 30 servings for about $2. And a big container of dry roasted unsalted peanuts for around $1.50 with around 16, 1 oz servings. Or you could get a cheap loaf of bread and a jar of peanut butter for about $3 together. Just some…
  • There’s no shame in going to a food bank! Abot 5 years ago when I was first starting out on my own I had to stop in at the food bank a few times. They provided a good bit of nutritional food, meat, canned vegetables, rice and beans. They threw in some different breads and snacks too but it wasn’t all bad food. I’m a huge…
  • Yup, I feel the same way. I use to eat oatmeal every other day boiled with almond milk, a frozen banana and frozen blueberries but realized how it affected me so now I’ll eat it maybe once a week on my day off because it’s too delicious to not eat.
  • I’d have to say yes. My family acts like I’m withering away and any time I go to visit they’re forcing food on me. Lol I understand love and food correlate but that’s how I gained weight in the first place and they don’t see that.
  • That’s great! I love hearing that! Feel free to add me! My diaries open
  • Well that’s awesome for the people who dont have the urge to snack but for me, I snack. Trail mix, babybel cheese, mixed nuts, carrots and hummus, sometimes a Granny Smith apple or orange, pork rinds!, freeze dried strawberries, freeze dried edamame beans, quest bars, oh yeah one bars, wasabi almonds, tuna pack,…
  • Thank you for your response, it’s very insightful! Its interesting to hear how it’s affected your appetite and your intermittent fasting routine sounds great! I’ve thought about trying it out, maybe breaking my fast about 1 or 2pm and then keep my eating window open until around 8 or 9pm. And yoga is the best, before it…
  • No worries! I weigh all of my food but bananas are the exception, since I’m not eating the peel I feel like weighing it may not be as accurate as measuring it. That’s just my opinion though.
  • Lol I’m the same way, I actually measure my banana with a measuring tape and write how many inches it is on the peel with a sharpie. Everyone thinks I’m insane.
  • I have the same problem, my sweet tooth is my Achilles heel but I always leave room for a snack and I usually honestly have a sweet snack at the end of the day. But I’ll have a like a chocolate chewy protein bar or a quest bar. Chopped up, baked apples with cinnamon are *kitten* delicious and it may sound weird but frozen…
  • I’m getting the hang of maintaining but honestly I’m ready for the Holidays to be over. I’ve enjoyed myself to the point where I don’t feel guilty but everyone’s been trying to stuff fudge and cookies in my mouth everyday. And with the extra calories I have from starting maintenance, I’ve been having to stop myself from…
  • Check out Fitness Blender on YouTube, it’s free and they have hundreds of videos ranging from HIIT, to Weight Lifting to Pilates. :smiley:
  • I agree with you 100%, I make sure I’m getting all the vitamins and nutrients my body needs, I’m focused on hitting all my macros and micros more than anything. And I realize getting use to eating a little extra is more of a mind over matter situation.
  • There's nothing wrong with snacking as long as you're not going over on your calories. If you want a snack and you have 200 calories left, have a little snack. I ALWAYS save calories for a night snack because I know every night around 8 or so I'm craving something sweet. But if you feel like you wouldn't be able to stop…
  • @cgolias120 I took the advice of a few people and have started to weigh myself daily since I've gone into maintenance. I downloaded an app called Happy Scale and I've liked it so far, it tracks your trending weight over a period of time. But that's interesting that the medication your taking increases your metabolism, a…
  • Wow, thank you for all the input. Its good to hear everyone’s thought, I guess I just need to get use to eating a little more than usual and not feeling guilty about it.
  • Baby carrots are the best snack. They’re kind of sweet so they’re awesome by themselves. They're also super cheap, 0.85 at Lidl for a medium sized bag. And don’t judge me but I love celery with hot sauce. Also, frozen blueberries with some almond milk if you want something sweet is delicious.
  • Thank you for your replies!
  • I think they’re the best Quest bar yet. The coating on the outside is like icing and the inside is moist and soft kind of like a chewy cakey consistency. If you’ve had an Oh Yeah One bar, it’s very similar. Unfortunately the GNC near me has been sold out, so I guess I’ll have to buy a 12 pack box online. Lol
  • Breakfast burrito -5 egg whites -sweet peppers -1/4 white onion -Xrreme fiber tortilla -1/4 cup mild cheddar cheese -2 turkey sausage patties -Hot sauce of choice
  • Thanks for all the suggestions guys! I appreciate everyone's input.
  • I use to use 4 TBSP of Silk Soy Vanilla creamer, it's 30 calories a TBSP and 3 grams of sugar. But having 2 cups of coffee a day that really added up, 240 calories and 24 grams of sugar. So I cut that out and started using 4 TBSP of Califia Almondmilk creamer which wasn't as bad at 15 calories a TBSP and 2 grams of sugar…