This is a great forum!! I'm so glad I "happened" upon it :). I was going to try this on my own but got so down because of the scale, my 2-days worth of effort and the mirror that I searched this site and found community and thought "why not!" Sooo glad I did... Thank you again everyone....this will be my daily booster to…
Yeah...menopause is not for the weak!!! I will keep pressing forward and keep my eyes on the goal. I can see how I should look; in-shape, in-style (retro/mod/bohemian) and not like my mothers generation :# !!! Thanks!
Thanks guys I really needed this boost of support!!! I am habitual with the scale and felt so proud of myself after 2 whole days o:) that I was sure I dropped a pound instead of gaining! I'm 51, going through menopause and had 2 knee replacements on the same knee that didn't go well so no matter what exercise I do I'm…
Thanks Morrskie, I really appreciate your encouraging words... It's just that when you have fat in places you never had before and you check out a full view of your body and the face staring back is mortified and you hear yourself saying "that can't be MY body!" Any slight gain (real or imagined) becomes a big deal
1290 and 50% of that is carbs! I could live on carbs alone and feel that with that much intake, I could end up gaining more and considered "adjusting" the percentage. I then rationalized and thought I could use more vegetables and beans instead of breads and pastas!! I'm getting nervous