I checked my tracker, it's definitley off, but I don't think its defective, I think it's just my walking style. I only have my arms down swinging when I am really walking to like, the bathroom. Usually I am carrying boxes, bags, fabric whatever. It's also winter, so during my walks to/from work my hands are in my pockets.…
Futuremanda thank you for explaining it that way! I was under the impression that being sedentary was something I could change though it seems it's not really possibly with my job. So that being said yoga is great advice, hopefully will boost my energy and also incorporate some more purposeful excercise
That being said, I am totally able to get excercise in at lunch, im struggling with my energy levels though, I'm already so wiped out at the end of the day.
I don't have kids, so no exuses there. But 5:00am..that would mean I would have to be in bed by 9, which is pretty much just after I'm done dinner and cleaning or whatever. It just doesn't seem possible, I am someone who needs 8 hours of sleep. I should also mention I am not over weight or even trying to lose weight (BMI…