mixednic Member


  • you may be able to use apple sauce, i know that sounds weird but the sweet and salty should go and apple sauce is often used as an egg replacement
  • Like some other people have said, weighing my food is actually easier then using measuring cups and spoons, it also gives me a better sense of what portions look like for each thing, so i dont have to weigh as much, i have recently re dedicated myself to using my fitness, and find that just writing things down helps me…
  • I am attempting to get back into running as I had been doing really well a few years back, at a point where my body needed to run or it would get antsy. I signed up for a half in September of last year, hoping that it would get me to be consistent again, however it didn't ( I still did the half though- first one, had a…
  • Detroit MI area
  • Since its the 20th already, im going to say 11 miles ( 1 mile a day- at least) , im in the process of reconditioning myself after a little time off...
  • I think part of my problem may be that im not eating enough actually, i know on the day i ran eight miles, i still had 1100 or so calories left to eat, but i didnt feel hungry and didnt want to just eat junk to set goal. I have to be more diligent with tracking my food on my fitness to see more of whats going on, but its…
  • You can add me as well if you'd like im pretty good at keeping myself in check when it comes to cheating, if thats what we want to call it. My fitness pal has helped me think of it differently and when i eat too many calories it just motivates me to go to the gym more or eat less the next day, i try to think of things in…