IrinaOpr Member


  • ok great.. thank you! This is what I needed to know
  • you also misunderstood... I dont find it helpful because I wasnt sure if lifting weights wile loosing did anything for me given all the arguing back and forth.... How can one find it helpful when there is no consensus?... However, I think I got it. I should lift while trying to lose because I will maintain muscle and just…
  • Sorry I dont understand your answer... what discourages me from lifting weights is that I dont have a concrete answer as to why I should continue doing it while I am trying to lose weight. Should I just concentrate on cardio and lose weight and forget lifting until I want to build muscle/and or tone? Especially since I see…
  • Reading though all these discussions doesnt help anyone new btw. It is kind of discouraging ..because it doesn’t seem anyone has a concrete answer … just a lot of arguing and opposing views Ok so just to make this clear to myself from the 5 pages I just read ...because I have never lifted weights but have started to 3-5…