djpooch Member


  • The time I get cravings the most is the couple of days before it starts. I give myself a little treat one of those days, but that's about it. (Maybe 100 cals extra, 200 tops) Last time it was a super delicious dark chocolate bar but I shared half with my coworkers so I wouldn't end up eating the whole thing (haha). As some…
  • What a great idea! I have about 40-50 pounds total to lose, and I have been celebrating every 10 pounds, so I totally understand!! Only 3 or 4 more celebrations to go! :) Keep it up!
  • That's great! Keep it up! :smile: I haven't noticed so much in my face, myself, but there have been other people, especially at work, that say I look slimmer.
  • In my experience, "diets" don't work, in the sense that if you cut one thing out completely, you gain everything back because your body felt deprived. Back to basics has helped me drop 10 pounds in the last few weeks... Whole foods, no soda, no microwave food, etc. It's all about balance. I have forced myself to start…
  • Oven roasted spaghetti squash (2 cups) with marinara (1 cup - i like sauce...) and lean ground bison - or beef - (4 oz). You get protein and plenty of veg/fiber. 414 calories
    in dinner Comment by djpooch March 2015
  • Digiorno was my weakness too! And yes, I could eat an entire pizza to myself... my husband would wonder why we would have the box, but no leftovers... I would say that the roommate must have eaten the leftovers. HAHA! Now I am much more honest with him about my eating habits. haha
  • [/quote] Some days it doesn't happen until much later. :( [/quote] Do you drink a lot of water when you first wake up? I usually try to chug 2-4 glasses of water straight away and my routine seems to have gotten "more regular" lol
  • I second this^^ HAHA. but I attempt to keep my weighing to once per 5-10 days.
  • Sometimes, after drinking alcohol, I get so caught up in conversation that I forget how many drinks I had, so I only add them in to just over my calorie limit :neutral_face: