i'm doing an hour of zumba tonight. i also did an hour last night and 45 minutes night before last. it is the only type of exercise i look forward to doing. i wish i knew how many calories i am burning though. women in my class last night used a HRM and said they burned over 1000 shirt was practically soaked so i…
hmmm i dont really know a *quick* way to heal a pulled muscle but i do know they recommend the RICE method..Rest Ice Compression Elevate...don't push yourself too hard and get seriously injured!!
Hope everyone is doing great on their workout! I am about to do my Day 3 workout and let me tell you, my calves are killllling me today! but it's a good kind of hurt, it lets me know the 30DS is working! I am using 3lb weights...was using big cans of soup the first two days because I didn't have weights HAHA but i went out…
I'm in! I didn't start on the first but I started on the 2nd :) I am new to this thread and need some support to get through these 30 days haha. Day 2 workout starting in 30 minutes...