When people say "start small" I think it means "start with what's easy for you" Pick a few things you can do that are personally easy for you to do, and then do them. You don't have to make drastic changes in the beginning, just a few you can have success with achieving. Maybe it's drinking more fluids or switching to…
Try shopping at a less expensive store. Do you have Aldi near you?
You could air pop your own popcorn without any special machine. Put ¼ to ⅓ cup popcorn kernels in brown paper lunch bag, seal it well so it doesn't open and put it in the microwave oven on the pop corn button. Listen to it, you might need to add another 30 seconds if it's still popping. I need to eat sodium free so I add…
Make a faux potato salad using a recipe you like.
protein can also spike blood sugar. so whats the point? for healthy people an insulin spike is a normal bodily response.[/quote] The point is a.) not every one is healthy and b.) trying to keep blood sugar from spiking above or below normal limits is a real concern for many people, me included. And the OP asked a question…
I'm working on the same thing, cracking the cravings, and there is a way to do it. For two weeks, you have to go cold turkey on those cereal bars as well as all other grains, alcohol, starchy veggies, baked goods and sweets. Eating them spikes your blood sugar and you're right, does make you want more. So for 2 weeks focus…
On vacation, or whenever eating out, I try to have just one carb portion per meal. If I want the dinner roll, skip the potato. If I want the risotto, go for it and pass on dessert. It's not foolproof and portion control is part of it, but it helps.
I spent years teaching myself to want healthy foods. I also learned how to make healthy versions of things like pizza so if that's what I want, I can have it. Now I don't think about it, I just make and eat what I want.
Try making faux-tatoes -- use cauliflower instead of potatoes, cook it soft, then cream in a food processor with a bit of coconut or almond milk, a bit of garlic and salt, and whatever else is to your taste. If you have room in your food plan, try a little parmesan. They make a satisfying sub for mashed potatoes. One of my…
I too like big portions and have gotten kind of crafty at finding ways to satisfy. Here are a couple of ideas: Make Tzazeki: non fat greek yogurt which you mix in and equal a mount of shredded cucumber, one or two cloves of shredded garlic, a bit of salt, a squeeze of lemon, lots of fresh dill and 1t-1T olive oil. Let it…