lorz83 Member


  • That's really good advice, I think my problem is definitely that I have always overhauled my full life at once, and seen results really quickly. It hasn't lasted though, and the weight always creeps back on. I'll try that for a week, and see how I go! Thank you Xx
  • Thanks ladies, I just saw that you'd replied. I'm struggling big time with motivation, I'm miserable being the size I am, but I don't think I've had my "lightbulb" moment yet. I keep telling myself I'll be better tomorrow, but tomorrow never seems to come! :neutral:
  • Can I join in please?? I have an 8 month old, currently more than a stone heavier than I was the day I got home from hospital after giving birth. Really struggling to get my head back "in the zone" to lose weight, I keep making a start, losing 7lbs, falling off the wagon, and gaining 9lbs! Some other mums might just be the…
  • Thanks so much for so many replies. It really helps to have an idea of what other people are eating. You're all right, I did say I wanted to lose 2lbs per week and that I was only lightly active. I've altered my goals to aim for 1lb a week loss. I guess it's more achievable if I reduce my calorie intake over a week or 2…