

  • Sigh, that should be a year and a half ago. Not that it took me that long :smile:
  • I can honestly say for me once I started meeting my water requirements, its what I crave. I use to be a pepsi addict, then pepsi light. When I gave up smoking 12 years ago I gave up soda (they seemed to go hand in hand). I have 2-3 cups of black coffee a day and the rest is water. My heaviest was 298 and I am only 5'2. I…
  • I would love to join, friend however to make this work. I will be 59 in August of this year and have at least a 100 lbs to lose. I ave tried lots of things, read lots of thing and need to learn to stick with it. I know it should be a life style change, and I can say both DH and I eat healthier this year then we did last…
  • I just saw your pose pugsley56, I will be 59 in August and need to lose 100, probably more. So tired of being like this, need motivation and support ideas, hope.