sdev9783 Member


  • I would love to join! I lost 90 lbs and have now gained it ALL back! I've done this before but now that I'm older and have had some surgeries that affect my hormones l could use some motivation!
  • I struggle with this too. It's horrible, I do it late at night and will literally eat anything I can get my hands on. It's like I hear it calling to me or something. At one point I lost 90 lbs and have now gained much of it back and I don't have the will power to stop this binge eating thing! It's killing me!
  • I'm a 33 year old mom of 4! I lost 90 lbs at one point and have managed to gain 60 back in 3 1/2 years! My husband and I have both been dieting and now he weighs 2 lbs less than me